Factors influencing adherence and satisfaction with the, quality of antiretroviral therapy and care services in Kisii District, Kenya
Osiemo, Stephen Angwenyi
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Adherence to treatment and satisfaction with the quality of services is crucial in achieving optimal antiretroviral therapy (ART) outcomes. However, available evidence indicated that
in sub-Saharan Africa only 77% of clients adhered to the recommended level of at least 95%
that is needed to keep the viral load in the body at undetectable levels. On the other hand, the
challenges of health management, infrastructure and technology continued to compromise
the quality of health in Kenya. The general objective of this study was to assess the factors
that influenced adherence and satisfaction with the quality of ART and care services at the Patient Support Centers in Kisii District. This was a descriptive cross-sectional study whose
sample size was 363 respondents. The focus group discussion and structured questionnaire
techniques were used to collect data from systematically selected respondents. The levels of
adherence and satisfaction with ART and care services were measured using the ordinal
scale. The study found that the level of adherence to ART and care drugs was 80.7% against
95% that is recommended. Distance, cost of services, location of PSC site and availability of
drugs used for care were all found to be significant in influencing adherence (p < 0.001). It
was also found that 72.7% of respondents were highly satisfied with the quality of ART and
care services. Greeting as a measure of courtesy, privacy, disclosure of shared information,
cleanliness and waiting time were the significant factors that influenced satisfaction with the
quality of services (p < 0.001). It was concluded that besides the provision of free ART
services, there were other significant factors like distance and waiting time that influenced
adherence and satisfaction with the quality of services respectively. It was recommended that
satellite Patient Support Centre sites be established at lower levels of service delivery and
that all health providers be trained on quality health management.