Productivity Effects of Biological Control of Maize Stemborer Pests in Kenya: Damage Control Function Approach
Midingoy, Soul-kifouly G.
Affognon, Hippolyte D.
Macharia, Ibrahim
LeRu, Bruno
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AgEcon Search
In this study, we evaluate the productivity impacts of the biological control program (BC)
against stemborers in maize production in Kenya. We use production function with damage
control function framework to clearly account for the difference in yield-effects of inputs that
contribute to plant growth and factors that control damage to plant. The endogeneity concern
with pesticide use was accounted for by employing a two-stage least square (2SLS) estimator
that subsequently allows deriving the marginal physical product. Findings from the first stage
show that the presence of BC agents is associated with a decrease in pesticide use, providing
insights on the potential substitution of insecticide by the biological control and the hazardreducing
effect of BC on environment. The second stage analysis show significant and positive
relationships between maize production and BC suggesting the positive impact of the BC on
productivity. The marginal physical product shows that bio-control contributes to substantial
increase in maize productivity as each percent point increase in BC level is associated with at
least 12 kg/ha gain in maize. Biological control is an advantageous and sustainable policy tool to
reduce food insecurity and the potential risks on environment and human health among farmers
with poor socioeconomic status.
Biological control (BC), Damage abatement model, Environment, Maize Productivity, Stemborer, Kenya
Midingoyi, S. K., Affognon, H., Macharia, I., & Leru, B. (2021). Productivity Effects of Biological Control of Maize Stemborer Pests in Kenya: Damage Control Function Approach.