Business Performance of Local Apparel Traders in Nairobi’s Competitive Liberalised Market

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Mugenda, Olive M.
Mburugu, K. G.
Imo, B. E.
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This paper addresses the business performance of local apparel traders given new challenges resulting from a new liberalised market in Nairobi. Data were collected using interview schedules and observation checklists. A random sample of 90 apparel traders was drawn from Kenyatta Market, Jericho Market and the Central Business District for interview. Data were analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences software (SPSS®). Results showed that lack of customers, stiff competition and lack of government support were the major problems facing over 50% of the traders. For most traders, providing high quality merchandise was the main strategy used to solve their problems. Government support by way of providing loans and making licence prices affordable were suggested as ways of creating a level trading ground for all traders. However, the traders’ business performance provided adequate returns to meet both personal and business needs. The Ministry of Trade and Industry should formulate mechanisms that will enable apparel traders to access information easily on existing trends and policies as they affect their businesses leading to local product quality and trade improvements. Lack of a level trading ground for all traders remained the main deterrent to their success
Problems experienced, Measures undertaken, Apparel traders, Nairobi, Competitive liberalised market, Business performance
Journal of Emerg ing Tre nds in Economics and Management Sciences (JETEMS) 3 (1 ): 85 - 91