Economic and regional disparities in Kenya.
Muganga, Dennis B.
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The paper examines the vqrious economic and regional disparities in Kenya with the main aim of suggesting
Policies that will enhance an equal level of economic growth and development in all the regions in the country. Data
on the geographical division of Kenya into four main Regions and the main resources and potentials of these
regions, was obtained from various government publications and other sources of secondary data.
The relative regional wealth and potentialities were then highlighted and their impacts on the wear and living
standards of the population observed. Availability of natural resources, Social amenities and educational instructions
in each region were observed to have impacts and played a decisive role in the rate and extent of poverty and
high income disparities between regions. This paper will only consider the main factors that directly lead to regional
disparities in Kenya. These factors are both natural and man-made. They includei- Agriculture, commerce, climatic
conditions, political influence and population density.An overview of other factors may also be considered
just to link and effect relationships that influence human welfare.
Fourth international conference proceeedings of the association of third world studies, inc. Kenya chapter
Disparities in Social Sciences, Politics and Gender, Vol. 1