Application of thermal inactivation of enzymes during vitamin C analysis to study the influence of acidification, crushing and blanching on vitamin C stability in Broccoli (Brassica oleracea L var. italica)

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Munyaka, A. W.
Oey, I.
Loey, A. V.
Hendrickx, M.
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The effectiveness of heat inactivation of oxidative enzymes e.g., ascorbic acid oxidase (AAO) to stabilise vitamin C during extraction and analysis was evaluated. The influence of different sequences of performing treatments including acidification (pH 4.3 vs. pH 6.5), crushing, high temperature short time (90 °C/4 min–HTST) and low temperature long time (60 °C/40 min–LTLT)) blanching on vitamin C stability in broccoli florets and stalks was also investigated. Heat inactivation of enzymes prior to matrix disruption resulted in higher vitamin C values mainly in L-ascorbic acid (L-AA) form, while lack of enzyme inactivation resulted in high vitamin C losses resulting from conversion of L-AA to dehydroascorbic acid. Various treatments and their sequence of application influenced vitamin C stability as follows: (i) crushing prior to blanching reduced vitamin C stability and (ii) in the absence of heating, acidification increased vitamin C stability (iii) blanching prior to crushing resulted in higher vitamin C retention, with HTST blanching retaining more vitamin C than LTLT blanching.
DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2009.10.029
L-ascorbic acid, Dehydroascorbic acid, Broccoli, Blanching, Acidification, Crushing, Enzymes
Food Chemistry Volume 120, Issue 2, 15 May 2010, Pages 591–598