Factors Inhibiting Effectiveness Of Teacher Advisory Centres In Promoting Quality Learning In Imenti North Subcounty
Rukaria, Mwari Lucy
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Teacher Advisory Centres (TACs) were started as a form of teacher resource centres for
the primary schools. The centres were incorporated in the 1963 plan for the establishment
of the primary school inspectorate and were used as extensions for the inspectorate in the
areas of supervisory services in the country. Despite the establishment of the centres, they
are perceived not to have achieved the objectives for their institution. The purpose of this
study was to determine factors inhibiting the effectiveness of Teacher Advisory Centres
in promoting quality learning in Imenti North Sub-County. The study was guided by the
following specific objectives: to identify the professional qualifications of Tutors serving
in Teacher Advisory Centres in Imenti North Sub-County, to find out whether the
availability of resources inhibits the effectiveness of Teacher advisory centres, to
determine the effect of teachers' perception of the services offered by Tutors on the
effectiveness of TACs and to recommend on the ways of improving the efficiency of
Teacher Advisory Centres in Imenti North Sub-County. Descriptive survey design was
used for the study. The study was carried out in Imenti North Sub-County. The
population for the study were TACs and primary schools in Imenti North sub-County.
The study targeted TAC tutors, DEOs and teachers in primary schools in the Sub-County.
Simple random sampling technique was used to sample teachers for the study. A total of
55 respondents were targeted by the study (this included seven TAC tutors, three DEOs
and 45 teachers) out of whom 52 responded (including three DEOs, seven TAC tutors
and 42 teachers) giving a response rate of 95%. Questionnaires, interview schedules and
observation check list were used as instruments for data collection. Questionnaires were
used to collect data from TAC tutors while the interview schedules were used to collect
data from the DEOs and teachers. Observation check list was used to establish the
availability and adequacy of different resources in the resources centres. Statistical
Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) package was used to analyze the quantitative data.
Descriptive statistics such as means, frequencies and percentages were used to analyze
the data. The analyzed data was presented in form of tables, pie-charts and bar-graphs
where applicable. The study found that the Tutors were professionally qualified for their
work. This was evidenced by the fact that 43% of the tutors were bachelor degree holders
and that all had served as teachers before promotion and were therefore considered
professionally qualified for their posts. The study also found that all the TAC tutors
attended training for their professional development. Regarding the availability of
resources, the study found that 71% of the respondents indicated that the tutors were
inadequate and that the libraries were not available as indicated by 43% of the
respondents. On teachers' perception of the services offered by TAC Tutors, the study
found that the tutors often organized training workshops for teachers as indicated by 86%
of the respondents. The study also found that teachers rarely visited the centres for advice
and to search for resources as indicated by 76% of the respondents. It was concluded that
professional qualification was not a factor inhibiting the effectiveness of the TACs while
availability of resources and the relationship between teachers and TACs affected their
effectiveness. The study recommended that the government through the ministry of
education should set up funds to upgrade the centres through the provision of necessary
resources and facilities to ensure their effectiveness. It was finally recommended that
another study be done in other counties on the benefits of TACs which was not the
concern of this study.
Department of Educational Management,
Policy and Curriculum Studies,2011