Perception of the secondary school principals and teachers towards guidance and counselling service: a case study of Gatundu divition, Thika district, Kenya

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Njimu, George
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The main purpose of this study was to investigate the perception of the secondary school principals and teachers towards guidance and counselling service in Gatundu Division of Thika District. The sample of the study included the following ten secondary schools: Boys' Boarding Schools Girls' Boarding Schools Mixed Boarding Schools Mixed Day Schools. There were sixty-five teachers and ten secondary school principals from the selected schools. The sampling methods were simple, random sampling, stratified sampling and purposeful sampling. The study used descriptive survey research method to collect data. The instruments for data collection comprised of a questionnaire and a Likert Perception Scale. The result findings showed that there was positive perception of secondary school principals and teachers towards guidance and counselling service. There was no significant difference between secondary school principals and teachers in their perception towards guidance and counselling service. Secondly, there were no significant gender differences between secondary school principals and teachers in their perception towards guidance and counselling service. The implication was that positive perception of guidance and counselling amongst secondary school principals and teachers should be matched with practical implementation of guidance and counselling service in order to see its full success in our secondary schools. More practical implementation should involve diversification of guidance and counselling service, training of secondary school principals and teachers on guidance and counselling, and more allocation of time and resources for guidance and counselling service.
Department of Educational Psychology, 86p.The LB 1620.53M51
Counselling in secondary education