Determinants of Informal Sector Performance in the Rural Areas of Kenya: Evidence from Makueni County
Dianah, M. Ngui
Joseph, M. Muniu
Wawire, N. H. W.
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The general objective of this paper was to investigate the factors that determine the performance of woodwork and metalwork
enterprises in the rural parts of Makueni County in Kenya. The results showed that working capital. licensing. competition and
the level of education were statistically significant in determination of profits. Based on the findings. it is recommended that the
government and other stakeholders should provide both financial and non-financial services at affordable rates to the small
business operators and entrepreneurs. Loans in form of money or kind should be made available through relevant lending
institutions to supplement the working capital. eminars and conferences should be held to create awareness to the entrepreneurs
of the various incentives and credit facilities provided by the government and other stakeholders. To achieve diversification and
reduce the level of competition, the government should advice entrepreneurs on alternative business ventures. The government
should also allocate land to the entrepreneurs and establish business parks
A paper presented at The International Conference on Dynamics of Rural Transformation in Emerging Economies
27-28 March, 2014