Disparities in wildlife resource governance and implications for environmental management in commercial and communal ranches of Laikipia District, Kenya
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Olukoye, Godfrey A.
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Kenyatta Universiry
Laikipia rangelands of Kenya are endowed with diverse natural resources that support both livestock and wildlife
enterprises. Laikipia district is, therefore, home to several commercial and communal ranches. However, disparities
in wildlife resource governance in these two categories of ranches have serious implications for environmental
management. Such disparities have led to the "perceived" mismanagement of resources in communal ranches with
concomitant environmental degradation in, for example, Mukogodo pastoral rangelands. On the other hand, the
commercial ranches have a "perceived" appropriate management system with environmental conservation and
upgrading as its yardsticks. However, one question that still remains unanswered is whether the perceived mismanagement
in communal ranches is the making of the Laikipia pastoralists. This paper sets out to answer this question
and discusses the ecological and socio-economic causes of disparities in wildlife resource governance in communal
and commercial ranches. It is concluded that a level playing field for the two categories of ranches coupled with
local capacity building are essential ingredients towards a comprehensive wildlife resource governance and resource
use conflict resolution in Laikipia Rangelands of Kenya.
Paper presented at the Disparities in developing countries types, challenges and the way forward fourth international conference proceedings of the association of third world studies, inc. Kenya Chapter Kenyatta University Nairobi, Kenya September 17th to 19th, 2003