Inter-ethnic conflict between the Gabra and Dassenetech communities of Marsabit County(1960-2011)
Diba, Yattani I.
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This proposed study intends to analyse the causes and effects of ethnic conflict among the
communities of Marsabit County with special emphasis on Gabra and Dassanetch communities
of Marsabit North Sub-County. The researcher will study Inter-ethnic conflicts between the
Gabra and Dassanetch under the period 1960 to 2011. This research will look at the effects of
conflicts on access to resources such pasture and water, livestock raids, market access by warring
communities, alternative livelihoods and socio-economic expenditure and how they all combine
to impact on the communities under the study. The study will be guided by Edward E. Azar
protracted social conflict theory which emphasizes reasons why protracted social conflicts occur
in developing countries by singling out deprivation of basic needs, communal identity, role of the
state and the pattern of international linkages. It also identifies factors such as colonial legacy,
domestic historical setting, and the multi-communal nature of the society and how they play
important roles in shaping the genesis of protracted social conflict. The study will be based on
three main objectives: It will examine the causes of the frequent conflicts between the Gabra and
Dassanetch communities, determine the effects of economic and social dynamics of the conflict
and investigate any earlier attempts at conflict resolution in order to device more concrete
conflict resolution mechanisms. In methodology, the study will adopt a descriptive survey design
which will involve carrying out a survey on the way things happened. It will involve collection
of data from members of a population in order to determine the current status of that population
with respect to one or more variables. Descriptive survey design is appropriate for the
investigation of all aspects surrounding the community conflicts in Marsabit North Sub-County
since the information will be gathered directly from primary sources, summarize, present and
interpret them. Purposive sampling technique will also be employed in this study to get the
location or district in which the units of observation have the required characteristics, along with
snowball sampling which is useful when the population that possess the characteristics under the
study is not well known and therefore need to find subjects. Also the research will be obtained
from the secondary information that will include the review of the previous document that
included books, journal and news papers. This will provide essential procedure for the data
analysis where the data analyzed will be presented in form of tables, charts and graphs. The
premises of the study, several factors combined contributes to frequent conflicts between two
warring communities, economic and social dynamics always influence conflict in Marsabit
County and various attempt have been made to try and resolve the conflicts. Marsabit County
which is home to a number of diverse ethnic communities namely; the Borana, Burji, Gabra,
Rendille, Samburu, Turkana, Dassanetch and El - Molo. This diversity has made the County to
experience some of the highest incidences of inter-ethnic conflict. This research is justified on
the basis that many studies done on inter-ethnic conflicts have tended to neglect the Gabra and
Dassanetch communities of Marsabit County. Many researches done on conflict in Somali have
tended to emphasize the role of political leaders and neglect by the national government of the
situation on the periphery, the proliferation of weapons but little covered with emphasis on
specific conflict between the Gabra and the Dassanetch.