Adaptation Du Manuel Parlons Francais A l Enseignement Du Francais Au Kenya

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Gumba, D.E.O
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Theintroductionof Parlons Francais as the first e er French course book published locallyin Kenya for the teaching of French as a foreign language, having been a developmentht at was a turning point in the history of French teaching in this country, ourconcernin this critical study was to examine the suitability of the course book to thesituationin Kenya ',.•Our assessment is that this first attempt to develop a course bookfor the teaching of French by local authors has largely achieved the objectives forwhichit was designed. Parions Francais has since 2005 not been the main course book for the teachingof French in Kenyan secondary schools because other course books ha e beenrecommendedby the Kenya Institute of Education (KIE) alongside it for use in schools. The course book is therefore competing for use with others that ha e recentlybeenpublished for use in schools where French is taught as foreign language, ~, eitheras the main course book or reference material, Our criticism of Parlons Fra"f!1is brings us to the conclusion that it is structured,organised and les methodologically dogmatic in comparison with previous coursebooks and is thus more open to eclectic use in order to make it more suitable to theneedsof learners. However, it has shortcomings which undermine its suitability as a course book for the teaching of French as a foreign language generally and in Kenyaspecifically. Though the newly published course books were not part of our study, their availabilityand recommendation by KIE - the institution whose work is to 0 ersee subjectcurricula, make us resist the temptation to recommend the use in class of one coursebook at the expense of another, in the interest of quality.