Using Cilantro (Coriandrum Sativum) to Remove Cadmium from Contaminated Water

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Njue, Martin
Mbuvi, Harun
Nga’nga, Margret
Mbugua, Gerald
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Scientific & Academic Publishing
Accessibility to safe drinking water poses great risks to human health since heavy metal ions can accumulate their amounts along the food chain. Methods already in use for cleaning contaminated water have resulted in generating toxic sludge and are expensive. Cilantro leaves has been used to reduce the contamination of heavy metals like lead, mercury and copper in rod shellfish as contains bioactive components of flavonoids, saponines and fibers which are capable of absorbing heavy metal ions by chelating action. However, the most effective part of cilantro and the most effective form i.e. when green or dry has not been reported. Consequently, the present study aimed at investigating adsorption of Cd2+ ions by fresh and dry cilantro leaves and stems from simulated water. Cilantro fresh leaves and fresh stems were grounded to obtain the wet adsorbents while for the dry adsorbents, fresh cilantro leaves and stems were sun dried at room temperature until their weighed dry masses remained constant and grounded to fine powder. Batch sorption studies were carried out while varying parameters of contact time, shaking speed, temperature, adsorbent dose, pH and initial concentration of metal ions in solution. Residue Cd2+ ions concentrations were determined using atomic adsorption spectroscopy (AAS). The adsorption of Cd2+ ions was described by Langmuir isotherm with Qmax values of 250.00, 51.28, 4.68 and 15.06 mg/g for fresh leaves (FL), fresh stems (FS), dry leaves (DL) and dry stems (DS) biomasses respectively. The results from this study suggest that fresh and dry cilantro leaves and stems are potential adsorbents of Cd2+ ions.
A research article published in World Environment
Cilantro, Cadmium, Adsorption capacity
Njue Martin, Mbuvi Harun, Margret Nga’nga’, Mbugua Gerald, Using Cilantro (Coriandrum Sativum) to Remove Cadmium from Contaminated Water, World Environment, Vol. 10 No. 1, 2020, pp. 1-9. doi: 10.5923/j.env.20201001.01.