Impact of drug sensitization compaigns on achievements of students in secondary schools in Mutomo Sub County, Kitui County, Kenya
Matuku, Clapperton Kilonzo
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Kenyatta university
Drug abuse is recording an upward trend in most secondary schools in the country. To address the challenge, various approaches have been engaged to resolve the menace. One of the main strategies to combat drug abuse in schools is through drug sensitization campaigns. However, despite drug sensitisation campaigns student’s achievement is still jeopardized by drug abuse. The general objective was to analyse the impact of drug sensitisation campaigns on the student’s achievements in secondary schools in Mutomo sub county in Kitui County, Kenya. The specific objectives guiding the study were: To examine the impact of drug sensitisation campaigns on the school unrests, absenteeism and on the academic performance of learners in secondary schools and to establish strategies in place to improve drug sensitisation campaigns in order to improve learner’s achievements in secondary schools in Mutomo Sub County. This study employed a concurrent triangulation research design. Mixed methodology was used during the study. The target population was 23 principals, 209 teachers, 6127 students, 12 chairpersons of youth campaigns groups, SCDOE and SCQASO totalling to six thousand three hundred and seventy- three. Stratified, simple random and census sampling methods were used to sample respondents of the study. The respondents were 7 secondary school principals, 68 teachers, 226 students, 4 chairpersons of campaign groups, one SCDOE and one SCQASO. The sample size was three hundred and seven respondents. Questionnaires and interview schedule were used to collect data. Data was analysed thematically where qualitative data was coded and categorized while quantitative data was coded and entered in the computer package for analysis using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) to produce descriptive statistics. The results of quantitative data were presented using pie charts, tables and bar graphs. Descriptive statements were used to present qualitative data. The study found that there was relatively low level of drug abuse in school. Drug sensitization campaigns in secondary schools had impact on the school unrests, absenteeism and academic performance although academic performance was average in most secondary schools in Mutomo sub county, Kitui county in Kenya. Strategies in place to promote drug sensitization campaigns lead to improved achievement of learners in secondary schools. The study recommends that all stakeholder to be involved and trained on ways of implementing drug sensitization campaigns so that it may be successful. The study further recommends for good rewarding systems, guidance and counselling and role modelling systems be rolled out in all schools to aid in the campaigns against drug abuse. The study further recommends on the infusion of contents on drug abuse in the curriculum.
A research project submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of degree of master of education (sociology of education and policy studies) in the School Of Education and Life Long Learning, Kenyatta University , October, 2022
drugs, achievements, secondary schools, Mutomo Sub County, Kitui County, Kenya