Collaborative Curriculum Development Write-Shop
Otieno, George Ochieng
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CLEAR-AA and Twende Mbele organized a consultative session to work towards producing harmonised competencies and curriculum in M&E on the African continent. To address the challenge of coherence and coordination in evaluation education on the African continent, a Collaborative Curriculum Development Project was initiated by CLEAR-Anglophone Africa, together with Twende Mbele in 2017. The First Phase involved institutions of higher learning from Kenya, South Africa, Nigeria, Uganda, Ghana and Ethiopia who came together in Accra, Ghana, to discuss harmonising the frameworks and approaches to M&E training (particularly in academic institutions) across the continent. Three Task Teams emerged from this engagement, who have been drafting the first set of documents for consultation with a broader group of stakeholders.
CLEAR-AA is also building an executive short course on “building national evaluation systems”, that will be taught using a collaborative, case study approach. We are trying to build a cycle of learning between our curriculum development, and our work in the region around strengthening national evaluation systems. Part of the write-shop will include a review of content of the course for feedback that will both strengthen our conceptualisation of national evaluation systems, and make our curricularisation of the course more effective in advance for delivering in 2019
POST WORKSHOP/CONFERENCE REPORT:Collaborative Curriculum Development Write-Shop
Standardised/Harmonised Curriculum, post-graduate M&E training, curriculum development