Impact of church sponsorship on the management of secondary schools in Thika West and Gatundu North Districts in Kiambu County
Mwaura, Mercy Wambui
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This research attempted to study and investigate the impact of church sponsorship on the
management of secondary schools in the larger Thika District covering the current Thika
West, and Gatundu North Districts. The study examined historical foundation of Western
Education in the said region and the factors that influenced the development, the role of
missionaries in relation to organization, management of schools, financial and physical
support and the nature of mission-state partnership in the provision of education.
This study identified schools using purposive sampling techniques basing itself on the
categories of national, provincial and district schools. It also categorized them on the
basis of church sponsors which were Catholic Church, Anglican Church of Kenya,
Presbyterian Church of East Africa and Salvation Army. 18 (51 %) schools were sampled
from which, the BoG chairpersons (18), principals (18), and 3 teachers per school (54)
were selected to fill in the questionnaires. The District Education Officers of the two
districts and the church representatives were interviewed, thus, 96 respondents. Data were
collected using questionnaires and interviews. Researcher adopted descriptive survey
research design. This is the process of collecting data to answer questions concerning the
current status of church sponsors. The descriptive survey research design determines and
reports the way things are and further attempts to describe people's-attitudes, opinions,
possible behaviour values and characteristics. Before the actual data collection, pilot
study was randomly done on 3 schools to determine the reliability and validity of the
instruments. It was discovered that two questions on the BoGs questionnaire were vague,
adjustments were made on the questionnaires. It also revealed that space given for
answering questions was small in some areas; thus more space was provided. Descriptive
statistics was used to analyze the quantitative data obtained. These include frequencies
and percentages. Qualitative analysis considered inferences that were made from the
respondents' opinions. This analysis was thematically presented in narrative form and the
results presented in frequency tables, bar graphs and pie charts. The study established the
functional role of the Church sponsor, which includes, membership the B.O.G,
consultation on the appointment of head teachers, maintains the religious traditions of the
church in the schools and to provide moral and spiritual nourishment to the school
community. The study further established that there are many conflicts that exist between
the church sponsors and the school management boards. These conflicts impact
negatively to the running of schools and also to curriculum instructions. Conflicts arise
from sponsors' failure to play their role of maintaining religious traditions as stipulated in
the Act, and instead, they overstep in the management. Others strongly felt they should
be the managers of their sponsored schools which contradicts the Education Act cap 211
(1968). The study recommends that the Government works on a strategy to completely
keep off the church from management of schools and to ensure that all laws are followed
and the church takes it rightful place which is basically spiritual.
Department of Educational Management, Policy and Curriculum Studies, 90p.LB 2970 .K4M8 2011
School management and organization --Kenya | Church schools --Kenya, Church schools --Kenya