Fisheries around Lake Victoria and attendance of girls in secondary schools of Nyangoma Division in Siaya County, Kenya
Lugonzo, Humphrey Musera
Chege, Fatuma N.
Wawire, Violet
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This descriptive survey research study established the contribution of fishing around Lake Victoria on the high drop out of girls in
the secondary schools of Nyangoma Division in Siaya County in Kenya. The participants involved in this study included Beach
Management Units (BMUs) Officers; principals; teachers; plus form 3 and form 4 students drawn from 4 secondary schools in the
Division. A total of 159 students that is, 108 boys and 51 girls as well as 16 teachers that is, 10 males 6 and females participated
in the study. Questionnaires, interview guide, and non-participant observations were the research instruments used to collect data.
A documentary analysis of the records in the secondary schools selected for the study was used to supplement the data collected
on the rate of drop out of girls. Descriptive survey research design was employed in the study. Data was analyzed both
quantitatively and qualitatively. The results of this study showed that fishing contributed to the high drop out of girls who were
involved in this activity. It was concluded that there was a significant relationship between fishing and drop out of girls in
secondary schools in Nyangoma Division. This study recommends that the Government of Kenya through the Ministry of
Education should organize workshops / insets for teachers teaching in lake regions to equip them with skills on guiding. This
would enable them to counsel and advise the girls in their schools effectively. Further, the government and parents should provide
for the basic needs of the girls in fishing regions like sanitary towels, better sanitation and clean water to enable them not to
continue dropping out of secondary schools.
Research paper
fishing, school dropout, child labour
Greener Journal of Educational Research ISSN: 2276-7789 ICV: 6.05 Vol. 7 (4), pp. 037-048, June 2017.