Aspects of mistranslation in the 1951 Lulogooli Bible

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Wangia, Joyce Imali
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This study set out to investigate the language problems and the apparent inaccurate translation exhibited in the 1951 Lulogooli Bible. The investigation had three objectives: to identify, classify and analyse mistranslations in the 1951 Lulogooli Bible; to test receptor comprehension from a cross-section of respondents and to discuss the factors that constitute the mistranslations and where possible suggest ways of improving the translation. The data was collected from six sampled books of the Bible using systematic sampling. We obtained 83 texts with cases of mistranslation from a total sample of 1,556 verses. These were classified into seven categories namely, the Syntactic, Ambiguity/Obscurity, Loan/New words, Conceptual, Idiomatic, Archaic and Cultural Categories. In a second stage of data elicitation, 53 texts were purposively selected from the sampled 83 texts for testing receptor comprehesion. Six questionnaires, one for every book were formulated and each questionnaire tested on 10 respondents. Using mainly the Speed Act theory and Relevance theory, the mistranslation and the responses were analysed, interpreted and discussed. The findings indicate, various types of mistranslations, low receptor comprehension rate and and that there are several factors that could account for the mistranslations. These include, translator incompetence in the target language, receptor language whose written forms have not been systematically described, use of foreign words or archaic forms that do not meaningfully communicate to the receptors and socio-cultural difference between source language and target language. This study shows the significance of systematic writing systems for languages like Lulogooli that are still largely oral, in order to facilitate accurate translation into these languages. The nature of mistranslation analyses revealed in the seven linguistic categories adapted for this study and the implications from the receptro comprehension tests analyses to translation form a major contribution of this study. Chapter one gives the historical and linguistic background to the problems of translation, defines the problem of the study and gives the methodology. Chapter two presents theliterature review and theoretical framework. An eclectic theoretic approach is adopted with particular focus on the Speech Act theory, and the Relevance theory. A brief description of the Lulogooli language, in relation, is given in chapter three. Chapter four presents the classification and analyses of the mistranslations. Receptor test responses to the questionnaires are presented in Chapter five. Issues of mistranslation arising from the analyses are discussed in Chapter six and suggestions for possible solutions made. Chapter seven gives the summary of findings and conclusions
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