Evaluation of consumer food hygiene and safety practices in Households in Langata Sub-County, Nairobi county, Kenya.
Abuga, Malkia Moraa
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Food borne diseases comprise a broad spectrum of diseases and are responsible for
substantial morbidity and mortality worldwide. It is a growing public health problem
in developing as well as developed countries. Food safety at home may result in
increased potential for unsafe food handling behaviours and consequential increased
risks of illness. In addition, failure to associate the home as a potential location to
acquire food borne diseases may be a serious hindrance for implementation of safe
food handling behaviours. The home has become a multifunctional setting comprising
of many activities that influences the need for and practice of food safety. In Kenya,
few documented studies have been undertaken to assess the role played by food
handlers in the transmission or control of food borne diseases in various setting, in
particular there is scanty information of food safety in the homes. This study aims to
evaluate consumer food hygiene and safety practices in the households in Langata
Sub-County. This will be a descriptive cross-sectional study targeting consumers who
have the sole responsibility of food preparations in the households in Langata Sub-
County, Nairobi County, Kenya. The study will seek to establish consumer
knowledge; attitude and practices on food hygiene and safety measures in the
households and also determine the socio-demographic factors that influence food .
hygiene and safety practices in households. A multistage sampling approach will be
used. Langata sub-county will be purposively selected. The study will be conducted
in all the five wards of the sub-county they include Karen, Soweto Nyayo Highrise,
Mugumoini, Langata and Nairobi West. Probability proportionate sampling will be
used to get the desired number of households from each ward. Random sampling will
be used to select the households in the respective wards. In the households, those
responsible of food preparations will be interviewed. A sample size of 387
respondents in Langata sub-county will be used for this study. Data will be collected
by use of structured questionnaire and key informative interview. Data will be
analysed by SPSS version 20 and presented using tables, graphs while association
between variables will be assessed using Chi-square statistic. The findings of the
study will be used in health research and development initiatives relating to food
On going research
Masters in Public Health (Monitoring And Evaluation) in The School of Public health, October 2014