Tacit Knowledge Transfer for Posterity in Kenya: A Case of Kenya National Archives and Documentation Service, Nairobi Kenya
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International Journal of Current Aspects
The study was to examine on tacit knowledge transfer for posterity in Kenya National Archive and Documentation Services (KNADS). Despite the importance of tacit knowledge transfer, little strategies exist on how knowledge is transferred in the Archive for posterity. The purpose of this study was to increase the understanding of Kenya National Archive strategy on tacit knowledge transfer among staff members in Kenya National archive and Documentaries. The study was guided by three specific objectives, one was to determine the strategies for transferring tacit knowledge at the Kenya National Archives and Documentation services, to examine the barriers of tacit knowledge transfer at the Kenya National Archives and Documentation services, to make recommendations and propose a framework to enhance tacit knowledge transfer at the Kenya National Archive and Documentaries. Descriptive survey design was employed in the study. Stratified random sampling was used as it covered all sections of staff members of the archive that gave a sample size of 150. Both Primary and Secondary data was availed using questionnaires and interviews. The reliability for the research instruments was determined by Cronbach's alpha through Test-retest method where a value more than 0.70 was considered reliable. Validation was determined by the supervisor and data collection experts. Data was analyzed using both inferential and descriptive statistics that was presented in percentage, mean, standard deviations and tables. A pilot study was conducted in the Kenya National Archives and documentation services and data analyzed to ensure that validity and reliability of the instruments. The data was analyzed using SPSS (version 23) and presented by way of means, percentages, standard deviation, tables and figures. The results obtained from the study was used to improve tacit knowledge transfer in Kenya National Archive and Documentation Services for posterity. Among the key findings were that the core feature of successfully transferring knowledge and reusing it is through learning strategy by sharing skills, methods experience and attitudes through tacit knowledge sharing. Other finding is through teamwork, ICT also facilitates tacit transfer, social networking and online discussions and forums among individuals. The study concludes that successful transfer of knowledge is through group learning strategy, through teamwork, proper communication, encouragement and assurance of staff members from losing their jobs after sharing the tacit knowledge with the newly employed staff.
Journal Article
Ogoti, E., & Namande (2023). Tacit Knowledge Transfer for Posterity in Kenya: A Case of Kenya National Archives and Documentation Service, Nairobi Kenya. International Journal of Current Aspects, 7(3), 17-39.