The impact of climate variabll.ity on perfomance of on-farm water harvesting systems in Matungulu Division, Machakos County, Kenya
Maweu, Titus Mutunga
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Kenyatta University
Climate variability affects rainfall and increases evaporation, exerting increasing pressure on
ecosystem services. Developments by the growing population are also affecting the
ecosystem as demands for services, including need for clean and reliable water increases.
Rainwater harvesting continues to be an adaptation strategy for people living with high
rainfall variability, both for domestic supply and to enhance crop, livestock and other forms
of agriculture. Vulnerability of the water harvesting strategies to impacts of climate
.variability is a less researched but potentially important facet of the larger global climate
change question. This study will examine how the performance of on-farm water harvesting
systems in Matungulu Division, Machakos County, has been affected by impacts of climate
variability. The objectives of the study will be; to determine the on-farm water harvesting
systems used by households in Matungulu Division, to establish the main climatic parameters
that exacerbates water stress in Matungulu Division, to determine to what extent increase in
frequency and intensity of the climatic parameters has increased drenching and stabilization
frequency of on-farm water harvesting systems in Matungulu Division and to establish to
what extend intensified erratic rainfalls affects the performance of on-farm water harvesting
systems in checking surface run-off in Matungulu Division. Two hundred and ten households
will be selected from 2086 households in the division, 42 from each of the five sub-locations.
Two sub-divisions based on livelihood of the target population, i.e. cash crop farms (coffee)
and grain crop farms (maize and beans) will be used. Twenty-one households for each
livelihood strategy from each of the five sub-locations taking the odd-numbered items will be
sampled. Questionnaires will be administered on impacts of climatic variability to water
harvesting and storage systems. Interviews will be held with key water informers from the
area. Other relevant information will be obtained from secondary sources. Descriptive
research method (design) will be used and data will be analyzed using descriptive statistics
and multiple regression analysis to show the relationship between the independent variable
(performance) and the dependent variables of rainfall variability (flash rainfall, droughts and
erratic rainfall). The data will be statistically analyzed by use of SPSS and results discussed
and presented in terms of frequency distribution tables, bar and pie charts and graphs. From
the study, ways to increase performance of appropriate water harvesting and conservation
systems in the area in light of increased rainfall variability will be suggested together with
areas of further research.
Department of Environmental Education