Does participatory forest management change household attitudes towards forest conservation and management?
Mireri, C.
Matiku, P.
Ogol, C.K.P.O.
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African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology
The study assessed the impact of participatory forest management (PFM) on household attitudes towards conservation and management of Arabuko–Sokoke Forest. The results obtained show that the impact of the forest on households was positive and higher in households in PFM zones than in those in non-PFM zones. There were higher proportions of households in PFM zones than in non-PFM zones, although it was a good objective to create the forest. They have good relations with the forest, benefit quite a deal from it as they obtain forest-related products from the forest; and want it protected. Also, the land adjacent to the forest has higher positive impact on household livelihood than the land further away. Higher proportions of households in non-PFM zones than PFM zones have poor relations with the forest as they are unhappy with the fact that the forest is linked to livestock deaths through tsetse fly, crop damage by wild animals, and predation of livestock without income generating activities to offset these losses. The study concluded that PFM is an asset for forest conservation in Arabuko-Sokoke Forest.
DOI: 10.5897/AJEST12.012
Participatory forest management, household, benefit, cost, Arabuko-Sokoke
African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology Vol.6(5) , pp. 237 - 246 , May 2012