Emotional Intelligence and Academic Self-Efficacy Beliefs As Predictors of Academic Achievement among Form Four Students in Kiambu County, Kenya
Muiga, W. Jane
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Kenyatta University
The aim of this study was to establish if emotional intelligence and academic self- efficacy
beliefs significantly predict academic achievement among form four students in public
secondary schools in Kiambu County, Kenya. Specifically the study sought to find out the
relationship between emotional intelligence, academic self-efficacy beliefs and academic
achievement and to develop the prediction equation of academic achievement from
emotional intelligence and academic self-efficacy beliefs. The study was anchored on social
cognitive theory developed by Bandura in 1986. This study used correlational research
design. Data were collected from 11 secondary schools out of 43 secondary schools in
Kiambu Sub-County. The study sample comprised of 390 students from the 11 secondary
schools. Two types of sampling procedures; proportionate sampling and simple random
sampling were used to select the sample. The form four students who participated in the
study were selected using simple random sampling. Self-Efficacy Questionnaire and
emotional intelligence scale were u sed as the primary tools to collect data. Pilot study was
conducted in one school in Kiambu Sub County to establish the validity and reliability of the
research tools. Demographic data were analyzed by use of descriptive statistics and
emotional intelligence, academic achievement and self-efficacy data were analyzed by use
of inferential statistics (Pearson correlation, regression analysis and one way ANOVA) with
the help of SPSS.The findings revealed that emotional intelligence and academic
achievement had a significant positive relationship (r (374) = .24, p = .00). The results of
one way ANOVA on the mean differences in academic achievement scores based on the
three levels of emotional intelligence, showed that the three groups differed significantly. A
significant positive correlation was found between academic self-efficacy and academic
achievement (r (374) = .23, p < .05). Further analysis using one way ANOVA showed that
there were significant mean differences in academic achievement scores of the students with
different levels of academic self-efficacy (F(2, 371) = 7.32, p < .05). Post hoc analysis results
using Tukey’s Honestly Significant Difference indicated that academic achievement scores
of students with low and high academic self-efficacy beliefs differed significantly.Regarding
the prediction of academic achievement from emotional intelligence domains and academic
self-efficacy, the results indicated that the independent variables significantly predicted the
dependent variable (F (6, 367) = 9.29, P = 0.00). The study makes the following
recommendations; student counsellors, teachers and school administrators should come up
with training program for students on the development of emotional intelligence skills.
Curriculum designers and education planners should include academic self-efficacy training
in the course content so that all secondary school students are equipped with these skills to
improve learning outcomes. All the stakeholders in education sector should ensure that
secondary schools provide positive learning experiences to enhance development of
cognitive constructs that enhance academic achievement.
Project Report Submitted in Partial Fulfillment for the
Requirements of the Award of Masters Degree in
Educational Psychology in the School of
Education, Kenyatta University
Emotional Intelligence, Academic Self-Efficacy, Academic Achievement, Kiambu County, Kenya