Popular Music in Kenya:A survey and Evaluation of Performing Strategies among Selected Groups in Nairobi
Oyugi, Isaiah
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This study focused' on Popular Music in Kenya. In their daily endeavors within the
entertainment industry, Kenyan Popular musicians employ performance strategies
meant to draw their audience closer and to maximize on their entertainment
business opportunities. This study sort to evaluate some of the strategies adopted in
order to assess their viability in the performance business. Artists in the
entertainment field inevitably interact with various players in the industry, hence the
need to establish t~~jnfluence of these players in the numerous decisions that the
artists make on a daily basis for them to remain relevant in the industry and to
survive. Specifically, the study sought to establish the influence of the society on
the music that is produced by the musicians, identify some of the demands that the
audiences put to the musicians, establish how popular musicians are adapting to the
ever changing performance environment and determine more result oriented
strategies that musicians should focus on. The study was conducted in Nairobi. This
is because Nairobi is viewed to be a more cosmopolitan City with a conglomeration
of artists from all walks of life and nearly all parts of the country and beyond, who
are both at their initial stages and those who have been in performance practice for a
longer period of time. The entertainment industry is also viewed to be thriving in
Nairobi hence giving a replica,;~~~~sentation of other urban cities in Kenya. The
population sampled included Di~k.jockeys (DJs) and Video-jockeys (VJs) from
broadcasting stations and other entertainment establishments, event organizers and
practicing popular artists. Purposive and random sampling techniques were used to
arrive at the desired population. Qualitative data was analyzed descriptively, with
emerging issues being discussed and related to the prevailing situations for better
_ understanding. This study outlines the most current strategies as used in other parts
of the world by popular artists and recommends the most adaptable ones to local
musicians to better their business in the entertainment industry for growth of the
industry and for progress in their preoccupation.
ML 146.I8