Agroforestry for Land and Water Management in Kenya

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Mugendi, D.N.
Waswa, B.
Mucheru-Muna, M.
Mugwe, J. N.
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School of Environmental Studies and Human Sciences, Kenyatta University
A groforestry is an age-old practice that contains a strong element of r\management. It is a collective name for land-use systems and technol . where woody perennials are deliberately used on the same land-management u as agricultural crops and/or animals. This can either be in a spatial arrange or in rotation, with economic and ecological interactions between the trees crops. In a review by Franzel (2002), agroforestry is defined by Leaky (1996)as dynamic, ecologically based, natural resource management system that sus ' and diversifies production for improved economic, social and environme benefits for farmers, through the integration of trees in the agricultural landsc Trees in this system provide fuel wood, fodder, fruit (productive functions) as as fencing and shade (service functions). A strict scientific definition of agrofore should stress two characteristics common to all forms of agroforestry and sepa .from other forms of land use, i.e., Deliberate growing of woody perennials in the same unit of land as agricult crops and/or animals There must be significant interaction (+ve or -ve) between the woody and non-woody component (either ecological or economical)
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