An Adaptive Gamification Model for E-Learning
Kamunya, Samuel
Mirirti, Evans
Oboko, Robert
Maina, Elizaphan
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IST-Africa 2020 Conference Proceedings
Gamification has gained currency in the recent past and has widely being
deployed in various disciplines such as health, education, marketing amongst others.
The main driving factor of deploying gamification is due to its motivational element.
Gamification, particularly in education, has been used to motivate and elicit
engagement in learners. However the implementation of gamification within elearning
platforms has been of the "One size fits all" i.e., uniform application of
gamification elements to all learners, albeit learners possess different characters
which are distinct from each other. The need to embrace the "One size does not fit
all" approach necessitates introduction of adaptive gamification. This study sought to
develop an adaptive gamification model. The study used the Design science research
methodology (DSRM) using the problem instantiation approach to develop the
adaptive gamification model, which can be used to guide and implement adaptivity
within e-learning platforms. In the development of the model the study reviewed 15
adaptive gamification studies from which the key components of an adaptive
gamification model were synthesized and a final model proposed.
A research paper in 2020 IST-Africa Conference (IST-Africa)
Adaptive Gamification, E-learning, Design science research methodology, game elements
Kamunya, Samuel, Evans Mirirti, Robert Oboko, and Elizaphan Maina. "An Adaptive Gamification Model for E-Learning." In 2020 IST-Africa Conference (IST-Africa), pp. 1-10. IEEE, 2020.