Evaluation of Potential Physico-Chemical Ground Water Pollution: a Case Study of Kiwanja Market, Kenya

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Macharia, Agnes W.
Kirui, Wesley K.
Omosa, Isaiah
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IDOSI Publications
Ground water is a large source of water for utilisation in the world. This resource is not easily accessible to monitor its changes and its deterioration is not easy to reverse. In the current study, physico-chemical parameters for groundwater for Kiwanja Market (KM) were analysed and compared to the Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBs) water quality. The pH, DO, temperature, turbidity, chlorine, iron, water hardness, potassium and calcium were analysed. All the parameters studied were within the stipulated levels except iron, chlorine and for samples from point C (Ebenezer Hostel). Turbidity for points A and C were above the permissible levels of KEBs standards. The water from point A and C may require further treatment to allow for domestic use. This analysis revealed to some extent a healthier system, though further analysis is needed to support this assertion. Continuous monitoring of the groundwater source within KM should be taken on regular basis to detect any changes and to sustainably maintain the quality of water within the required KEBs water quality standards.
An Article Published in World Applied Sciences Journal
Groundwater, Physico-Chemical, Metals, Solid Waste, Ground Water Pollution, Kebs Water Standards, Kiwanja