Approaches Made by University Libraries in Support of Inclusive Education: A Case of Kenyatta University Library, Nairobi- Kenya
Gichuhi, Zipporah
Karia, Mathew
Kirimi, Francis
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Education sector is undergoing major transformations, rationalization, restructuring and redefinition. As an
integral part of the university education, university libraries should be instrumental in responding to the changes
taking place in university education and play a key role in this process. Although Inclusive Education is a new
paradigm shift in the Education sector the provision of information and information services to all users has
always been a cardinal principle of librarianship. The study sought to explore the approaches taken by Kenyatta
University, post-modern library in support of inclusive education. Descriptive survey design was used. Findings
revealed that the library structure was accessible and comfortable. A section on ground floor, well serviced and
equipped was dedicated for users with disabilities. Information resources in different formants were available as
well as varied Assistive technologies. A selected number of librarians had competencies in use of Assistive
technologies. The approaches made by the library were rated as good. The ability to identify users with different
forms of disabilities and changing technologies remain major challenges. The study recommends greater
collaboration with other stakeholders in identification of special needs users, increase budget and train or
deploys more staff in provision of various specialized information services.
University libraries, Special needs users, Inclusive Education
Gichuhi, Z., Karia, M., & Kirimi, F. (2021). Approaches Made by University Libraries in Support of Inclusive Education: A Case of Kenyatta University Library, Nairobi-Kenya.