Financial Management Practices and Performance of Smallholder Farmers’ Tea Companies in the West Tea Block, Kenya

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Kenyatta University
Smallholder tea farming in Kenya is a critical subsector since it provides a source of livelihood to over 750,000 farmers directly and indirectly to about 6.5 million Kenyans which represents 13% of Kenya’s population. Declining tea earnings by smallholder tea farmers threatens the sustainability of the tea sub-sector in Kenya. In addition, the decline in earnings by smallholder tea farmers is more pronounced in the West-Tea-Block as compared to East-Tea-Block. This had caused a great concern to the government and tea value chain stakeholders who were therefore seeking to unearth what is bedevilling the sub-sector and policy interventions necessary to reverse the decline. This study therefore investigated the effect of financial ’ management’’ practices’’ on the performance of smallholder farmers’ tea factory companies in the West Tea Block, Kenya. Specifically, the study investigated the effect of; financial planning, investment appraisal, financial reporting and funding decisions on performance of smallholder farmers’ tea factory companies in the West Tea Block Kenya. In ‘addition,’ the ‘study also determined the moderating’ effect of corporate governance on the relationship’ between’ financial management’ practices’ and performance of smallholder farmers’ tea factory companies in the West Tea Block, Kenya. The theories underpinning the study were the Theory of Budgeting, Real Options Theory, Performance-Based-Budgeting-Model, Net Income Theory and Agency’ Theory. This study adopted the positivist research philosophy and explanatory research design. A census was conducted on all the 34 smallholder farmers’ tea factory companies in the West Tea Block Kenya. Data was used and collected through a semi-structured questionnaire. Content, criterion, and construct related validity were confirmed accordingly. The study had a response rate of eighty five per cent. Descriptive statistics were applied to assess variables characteristics including standard deviation and aggregate mean scores. The multiple regression model was employed to analyze the effect financial management’ practices on performance. Content analysis was used to analyse qualitative data. The findings were that financial planning, investment appraisal, financial reporting and funding decisions had a significantly positive effect on ‘performance of smallholder farmers’ tea factory companies’ in the West’ Tea’ Block, Kenya. Additionally, the ‘study ‘revealed that corporate governance had a significant’ moderating’ effect on the relationship’ between’ financial’’ management’’ practices’’ and performance’ of smallholder farmers’ tea factory companies’ in the West’ Tea’ Block, Kenya. The study concludes that adoption and consistent application of good financial management’ practices enhances the performance of smallholder tea factory companies’ in the’ West Tea Block, Kenya. The study recommends that the management and boards of tea factory companies should ensure that clear policies on budgeting and budgetary control, investment appraisal, funding decisions and financial reporting are developed and implemented
A Thesis Submitted to the School of Business, Economics and Tourism in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Award of the Degree of Master of Science (Finance) of Kenyatta University October, 2024 Supervisors; 1.Lucy Wamugo 2.Lucy Ngugi