Physico-Chemical and Biological Properties of Water along Mutonga River in Eastern Kenya

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Kenyatta University
Levels of chemical, biological and physical parameters provide information on quality of water. Human activities together with natural processes affect the level of water parameters. River Mutonga is a trans-boundary river traversing tea, irrigation and semi arid regions as well as quarry sites. These activities may lead to introduction of pollutants that may change the levels of water parameters. Water from this river is used for household and irrigation activities and also by animals. This study’s aim was to investigate the levels of parameters in water and sediment samples collected along the river in the dry and wet seasons. The levels of pH, Electrical conductivity (EC) turbidity and temperature were measured using corresponding portable meters. Levels of Total dissolved solids (TDS) and Total suspended solids (TSS) were determined using standard procedures by APHA. Levels of metals were investigated using AAS spectrometry, while nitrates and phosphates were measured using UV-VIS procedures. The results were statistically analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis and ANOVA tests to determine significant differences in parameters by sites and seasons. In water, mean ranges of parameters in the two seasons were: pH: 5.67±0.00 - 7.74±0.16, Temperature: 13.50±0.10 - 26.60±0.10, EC: 0.13±0.06 - 93.50±0.10, Turbidity: 14.89±2.18 - 1000±0.67, TSS: 38.83±3.21 - 100.33±17.77, TDS: 29.33±33.33 - 444.00±287.52, Pb: 0.00 - 0.28±0.02. Cd ranged from 0.00 - 0.003±0.00, Fe: 0.27±0.02 - 7.65±0.13, Mn: 0.00 - 2.22±0.06, NO3 - : 0.49±0.00 - 4.89±0.06, PO4 3- : 0.24±0.00 - 3.83±0.00. In sediments ranges were Pb: 13.82±5.67 - 32.33±11.02, Cd 0.00 - 0.816±13.38 while Fe ranged from 9.12.58±32.08 - 46770.83±938.19. Mn ranged from 249.92 ±15.25 - 816.16025±13.38, NO3 - :1.95±0.00 - 4.99±0.01 while PO4 3- ranged from 0.22±0.00 - 0.816±13.38. Total and fecal coliform ranges were 41.53 - 467.33 cfu and 7.86 - 150.019 cfu respectively. There are significant differences in levels of physical parameters between seasons and among sites except TSS. The chemical parameters in water and sediments vary significantly among sites except lead in sediments and all vary between seasons apart from phosphates in water and nitrates in sediments. Biological parameters differ significantly between seasons and among sites. Levels of turbidity, TSS, lead, iron and coliform bacteria are above WHO permissible limits. The high levels suggest that the river water is polluted.
A Research Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements tor the Award of the Degree of Master of Science (Chemistry) In the School of Pure and Applied Sciences of Kenyatta University November, 2024 Supervisors: 1. Hudson Nyambaka 2. Joel M. Gichumbi