Implementation of safety standards guidelines in secondary schools in Kaloleni and Rabai districts; Kilifi county, Kenya

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Njoroge, Wanjeri Ruth
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It is of utmost importance that safety in schools is enhanced in the wake of a campaign for Education For All by 2015 (Sessional Paper l, 2005).The benchmark is adherence to the safety guidelines for all schools developed in 2008 to attempt arresting unsafe situations in schools as it can be worrying as has been witnessed in the past. The purpose of the study was to establish whether secondary schools in Kaloleni and Rabai Districts, Kilifi County Kenya adhered to the ministerial guidelines on safety contained in the manual developed in 2008 for all schools. The objectives of the study were to establish the level of awareness of the existence of safety guidelines in secondary schools in Kaloleni and Rabai Districts, Kilifi County and to investigate the safety practices in this secondary schools, to establish factors influencing implementation of safety guidelines and to investigate the perceptions of head teachers and students of safety policy guidelines in secondary schools in Kaloleni and Rabai Districts, Kilifi County. Maslow's Hierarchy of needs theory was adopted as a basis for this study. The researcher used a descriptive survey design and the target population for the study was 12 schools out of 15 in the district that varied from boys' and girls' boarding, mixed boarding schools and mixed day & boarding schools and day schools. The head teacher, the chairperson of the safety committees and four students in each of the sampled schools were interviewed. The research instruments used were questionnaire, interview and observation schedule. Data analysis procedures employed involved both quantitative and qualitative procedures. First primary data from the research instruments was edited and coded to organize and reduce it into manageable summaries, then the Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to analyze the coded items. The findings were quantified and presented in percentages and frequency tables according to the study objectives. The study established that the level of awareness is still low and this situation leaves blame to the school managers and the ministry of education quality control officers who have not been keen to facilitate the establishment of proper mechanisms of enhancing safety and as a result unsafe situations are still rampant. The safety practices as given in guidelines have been partially been implemented and this explains the reported rate of unsafe situations in the schools. The study also revealed that successful implementation of these guidelines is a matter of finance, attitude, and influence by external community. On the perceptions of the head teachers and students to safety policy implementation, the study revealed that they fully support the policy and are positive about the impact of the safety policies. The research deduced that proper implementation of the safety guidelines can create a good environment conducive for learning. xv
Master of Education Department of Education Management Policy and Curriculum Studies 136p. May 2014