Exploration of topic areas that teachers and students perceive difficult in chemistry at secondary level in Nairobi (Kenya)
Ogeng'o, Edwin
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Most researchers are keen to find out factors that lead to poor performance in National
examinations in specific subjects. Among the subjects not well performed are the
physical sciences, chemistry included. Despite the frequent changes in the chemistry
curriculum at secondary school level, overall performance remains low in national
examination with some topic areas still constantly posing difficulties to students and
teachers. The factor of teachers' and students' perception of difficult topics in
Chemistry had not been explored. The study therefore, explored teachers' and
students' perception of difficult topic areas of selected topics in secondary school
Chemistry basing on research questions and objectives of the study. One outstanding
difficult topic electrochemistry was identified as per the responses of students after
piloting and a test was set on it for in-depth study on elements making it difficult. The
study was conducted in Nairobi province of Kenya and adapted a descriptive survey
design. A total of nine (9) sample schools were drawn using a combination of
stratified and random sampling procedure. Following categories of national and
provincial, the schools were stratified into boys, girls and mixed. Random sampling
followed the stratification. A questionnaire for both teachers and students and an
interview schedule for teachers were used. Data collection was preceded by a pilot
study in three schools; mainly to determine the validity and reliability of the
instruments. The data collected was analyzed and presented using descriptive
statistics, mainly frequencies and means. The findings revealed the following: 25%
(4/16) of topics in the students' questionnaire were perceived to be difficult as per
responses from boys' and girls' schools; while responses from mixed schools revealed
50% (8/16) topics as being difficult. Teachers' responses were: approximately 31%
(5/16) of the topics were perceived difficult. In comparing teachers' and students'
responses the following were the findings: 12.5% (2/16) of the topics were perceived
difficult from both boys' and girls' schools while mixed schools shared 25 %(
4/16).In terms of actual topics, Electrochemistry, Mole Concept, Organic Chemistry
(ll),Radioactivity and Energy Changes stood ouf as the main difficult topics. The
difficulty was attributed to mathematical component, large concept map and abstract
nature. Teachers indicated some strategies of dealing with difficult topics. These
included: using practical approach, more practice assignments, pacing and motivation
of learners. The difficult topics may be the most important in laying foundation in
chemistry and if one has to do well, then these have to be firmly understood.
Educational Communication and Technology Department 78p.2012