Utilization of the Female Condom among Youths in Selected Tertiary Training Institutions in Migori County, Kenya

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Boraya, Joshua Omwenga M.
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Kenyatta University
The female condom is a dual protection tool for both prevention of HIV/ AIDs transmission and unwanted or unplanned pregnancies. The study was done in Migori County among the youths attending selected tertiary training institutes, with specific objectives of identifying the socio-demographic characteristics of the youths that influence use of female condom, the extent in which access to the female condom and other social cultural factors affecting use of the device in Migori County. A cross-sectional descriptive study was used to collect both quantitative and qualitative data. A pre-test study was conducted in Msomi teachers training college to test the validity and reliability of the data collecting tools. The tertiary institutions were purposively sampled while the research participants in the selected institutes were sampled using systematic random sampling and a sample size of n= 385was chosen proportionately. Data was collected using structured questionnaires, in-depth interviews and focus group discussions. Research respondents were required to sign consent form and data collected was dealt with confidentiality. Quantitative data collected was cleaned, and analyzed using SPSS version 24 Program while qualitative data was analyzed using N Vivo version 11. A p value of < 0.05 was used to determine significant findings. The findings were correlated to identify association; this was followed by Chi-square analysis. Fissure exact test was used when the cell counts were less than 5. Descriptive tables and bar graphs were used to present the findings of the research. It was evident from the research findings that majority of the youths 83.9%were single with 61.3% of the youths getting information about female condom use from media, 73.9% used it to prevent pregnancy than to prevent transmission or contracting HIV/AIDs. Most youths 97% had a challenge in inserting the device. Married youths were more likely to use the female condom compared to the ones who were single p≤0.000, χ2=66.969; denomination and age were not significantly associated with use of the female condom. The insertion process of female condom was significant at p value of 0.002 while negotiation for safe sex was significant at a p value of 0.034. Availability and cost of the female condom was significant at p≤0.001, attitude of the user was also significant at p value of 0.024.Prevalence of male condom to female condom (p=0.02) and use of condom is a sign of mistrust (p=0.010). Culture and religious teachings were not significantly associated with use or disuse of the female condom. In conclusion the marital status of the youth, personal efficacy on insertion and skills on negotiation for safe sex increases use of female condom. The cost, availability of the female condom affects its use. The study recommends the government to subsidize the cost of female condom and ensure its availability, the health workers to champion for use of female condom.
A Thesis Submitted For the Degree of Master of Public Health (Reproductive Health Option) in the School of Public Health of Kenyatta University, November 2019