Awareness and Use of Information Resources to Promote Environmental Protection and Conservation at Kenya National Library Service, Nairobi
Wangeci, Kuruga Irene
Njoroge, Rose W
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International Peer Reviewed Journal and Book Publishers
Purpose: This study sought to assess Awareness and use of environmental information
resources to promote environmental protection & conservation at Kenya National Library
Methodology: The study adopted descriptive research design. Simple random sampling was
used to select a sample size of 105 respondents from a total target population of 550 staff
members. In addition the five heads of department were interviewed. Data was collected and
later analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. Frequency count and percentages were
used to analyze the data collected.
Results: Findings revealed that the level of awareness on environmental information
resources is low since the KNLS library staff has not implemented methods of awareness
creation to users. The environmental information resources in Kenya National Library Service
are not located at a specific place but integrated with the rest of the library collection thus
hard to locate with ease. The challenges faced by Kenya National Library Services staff in
disseminating environmental information resources to the users.
Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: Libraries and relevant environmental
institutions need to create awareness on environmental information resources, conduct staff
training, and evaluation of environmental information resources so as to access the level of
quality and value to the library users.
Awareness, Environmental Information, Environmental Protection, Kenya National Library Service
Wangeci, K., & Njoroge, R. (2021). Awareness and use of information resources to promote environmental protection and conservation at Kenya National Library Service, Nairobi. African Journal of Education and Practice, 7(3), 1-13.