African Heritage in a Changing Climate
Brooks, Nick
Clarke, Joanne
Ngaruiya, Grace Wambui
Wangui, Elizabeth Edna
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Taylor & Francis
Climate change is a real and present threat to heritage across the
world. In Europe and North America, research on the impacts of
climate change on heritage, including how to mitigate against
more frequent extreme weather events and how to implement
efficient sustainable adaptation planning, are now key foci of
heritage literature. In contrast, virtually nothing has been written
about the impacts of climate change on heritage on the African
continent, even though these will be significant in the coming
decades. Heritage is essential for livelihoods, but also for the
construction and reinforcement of identity and the psychological
wellbeing of society. Here, we consider the impacts of climate
change on different (connected) forms of heritage in Africa,
including archaeological, historical and living heritage. We situate
the implications of climate change for African heritage in recent
debates around climate justice, sustainability and social wellbeing.
We conclude that without significant intervention some of Africa’s
most important heritage will be lost as a result of the direct and
indirect impacts of climate change over the coming decades. Our
intention is to draw attention to the need for research into the
impacts of climate change on different forms of heritage in Africa
and to highlight the possible deleterious effects these losses will
have on society more generally. We view this paper as a first step
in developing a research agenda that will have a practical
application for the management of heritage in the face of climate
change in Africa.
A research article published in Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa
Africa, Heritage, Climate change, Sustainability, Climate justice
To cite this article: Nick Brooks, Joanne Clarke, Grace Wambui Ngaruiya & Elizabeth Edna Wangui (2020) African heritage in a changing climate, Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa, 55:3, 297-328, DOI: 10.1080/0067270X.2020.1792177