Teacher Scores in Performance Appraisals and Development and Students Academic Performance in Public Secondary Schools in West Pokot County, Kenya

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Kenyatta University
Academic performance in West Pokot County has been far below average between the year 2017, and 2022. The purpose of this study was to investigate teacher scores in performance appraisals and development and students academic performance in public secondary schools in West Pokot County, Kenya. The objectives of this research were to: determine the correlation between students' academic performance and teachers' scores on preparation of teaching and learning materials, establish the relationship between teacher score on time management in performance appraisal and development and student academic performance, investigate how appraisal and development scores of teachers professional responsibilities in performance appraisal and development influence student academic performance and establish how overall teacher appraisal scores in classroom instruction are related to differences in students’ academic performance. The Performance Appraisal Model, created by Yee and Chen in 2009 informed this study. The research design for the study was descriptive survey. The West Pokot County public secondary schools' principals, deputy principals, and H.O.Ds formed the target population. A simple random selection technique was used to choose 12 public secondary schools.The selection of the principals, deputy principals, H.O.Ds, and TSC officer was done using a purposive sampling technique. A total of 80 H.O.Ds, 12 deputy principals, 12 principals, and 1 TSC officer were sampled to participate in this study. Data was gathered by distributing questionnaires, conducting interviews, and analyzing documents. The instruments' reliability was determined by a pilot research and an internal consistency test, and Kenyatta University specialists validated the instruments. Statistical Package for Social Sciences(SPSS)was utilized to evaluate the data using frequency, percentage, and mean tables as well as Chi square. The study found out that there was a significant relationship between teacher score on preparation of teaching and learning materials and the academic performance of the students. Similarly, there was a significant link between appraisal of teachers’ preparation of lesson plan and students’ performance. Furthermore, the study established that there was a relationship between teacher score on time management in performance appraisal and development and the students’ academic performance r(92) =.51, p
A Research Project Submitted in Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of the Degree of Master of Education (Educational Planning) in School of Education and Lifelong Learning, Kenyatta University, November 2024. Supervisor Mary Otieno