Will Nepad stem the social economic disparities in Africa?
Mambo, Godfrey
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The new Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) is a pledge by African leaders based on a common vision
and shared conviction that they have a duty to promote economic growth, encourage strong nations, aim at high
living standards and national security. NEPAD is the newest initiative geared towards getting Africa from the social
and economic quagmire that is so characteristic of many African nations. The African Union (AU) is set to adopt
NEPAD as its economic blueprint for Africa. NEPAD is not the first initiative aimed at improving Africa. Many
other initiatives have been formed in previous years with varied results.
Nepad continues to draw a lot of attention across Africa and the world at large, as it is seen as probably the best
effort so far at Africa's development. There is anticipation at how much will be achieved under this initiative to
which Kenya is a signatory. Whereas it may be early to 'judge' NEPAD there are pertinent issues that arise from the
proposals contained in the NEPAD document, which are to be adopted by African countries. This paper therefore
examines the various proposals and their application in Africa.
Fourth international conference proceeedings of the association of third world studies, inc. Kenya chapter
Disparities in Social Sciences, Politics and Gender, Vol. 1