Dietary Intake, Nutritional Status and Morbidity Patterns of Male Prisoners living WITH HIV at Selected Prisons in Kenya
Kavithe, R.K.
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People living with HIV and AIDS face increased challenges in maintammg proper
nutrition. HIV negatively affects almost all body systems, which results in recurrent
opportunistic infections, weight loss, distribution of weight changes, and death. Dietary
intake and consequently nutrition status impacts on HIV either negatively or positively.
Within prison settings, barriers exist that limit the ability of prisoners to improve and
maintain their health. Male inmates living with HIV are well recognized as vulnerable
and socially excluded population, whose acquiring of adequate treatment is greatly
affected by poor nutritional status among other factors. The purpose of the study will be
to assess the food consumption patterns, nutritional and health status of male prisoners
living with HIV at selected GK prisons in Kenya as well as determine the factors that
affect the same. The study will use a cross sectional analytical survey with a sample size
of 135 male inmates. The study will be carried out on HIV positive male inmates at the 4
selected GK prisons, both on remand and convicted. The subjects will include both those
on care (Cotrimoxazole and multivitamins) and on treatment (ARVs) and should have
been within the prison walls for the last 3 months. Purposive sampling will be used to
select the study population (HIV positive prisoners) and simple random sampling to
select the subjects among the HIV positive male inmates in the 4 prisons. The study is
aimed at influencing the prison menu to be in line with the nutrition and HIV guidelines
in order to improve nutrition care for HIV positive prisoners. An observation checklist
will be used to check the food eaten, method of cooking used, amounts served and
conditions in which the food is served. A structured questionnaire and FGDs will also be
used to collect data. Anthropometric measurements will also be taken on all the subjects.
Anthropometric data will be analyzed by use of Epi Info while nutrition data will be
analyzed by use of Nutrisurvey. This data will further be analyzed by use of Statistical
. Package for Social Sciences (SPSS Version 17) software. Association between health and
nutrition status will be analyzed by use of regression analysis. Pearson's Product Moment
correlation (r) will be used to analyze continuous data where P -Value <0.05 will be
considered significant. Descriptive statistics will be used to describe and summarize data
on HIV positive male inmates' socio economic, demographic characteristics and health
factors. Data presentation will be in a form of descriptive statistics, that is frequency
tables, cross tabulations, pie charts and bar graphs and appropriate inferential statistics
will also be presented.