Exploration of the Interface between Korean and Kenyan (Maasai) Ink-Painting Techniques in the Creation of New Intercultural Art Through Painting

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Wha, Kim Myung
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kenyatta university
This study sought to explore the hybridization of the Korean and the Maasai art painting in order to create an artistic interface that translates into new painting or what can be described as ‘new art’. Historically, Korea is a highly literate society, therefore, ink was an automatic ingredient and readily available resource. In contrast, the Maasai have had a non-literate culture for the longer part of their history and hence their painting is more practical in orientation. Moreover, the philosophy behind the perception and appreciations of colours by the two art communities under study are also different. Scholars on paintings have observed that new and authentic art paintings could be accomplished when at least two societies' ways of life are hybridized in a painting. Hybridization in art happens when material culture or other ways of life such as rites of passage from two communities blend to make new artistic forms. The main objectives of this study are to: identify the tenets of ink-painting techniques and subject matter in Korean and Maasai mainstream artwork; determine the aesthetic approaches such as use of colours, form, textures and compositional principles of Korean and Maasai in ink-painting art; establish hybridization of painting approaches and renditions by combining Korean and the Maasai painting images; and to create an artistic interface between Korean and Maasai painting by fusing their major artistic tenets to yield new inter-cultural art. This study is anchored on three theories namely: Harrington's (1990) ecological theory, Saussure’s 1878 in Chandler (2002) semiotic theory, and Csikszentmihalyi's (1988a) systems theory. This study employed exploratory research design to collect data for analysis. The questionnaire was an important tool that was used to recruit professional artists who produced ink-painting artwork that were examined by a team of experts. The outcome is fusion of the matter featured in paintings that show hybridized new art forms. The new art shows wavelengths that depict different combinations of colour region, which is also known as isotropic aesthetic through brushstroke that determined the new art form. The hybridization is a contribution to artistic knowledge in addition to serving as a reference point for students who wish to carry out comparative studies in art. It is envisioned that this study shall be a catalyst towards a new artistic revival among diverse communities in Kenya and abroad.
A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Fine Art and Design) in the School Of Law, Arts and Social Sciences of Kenyatta University
Korean, Kenyan (Maasai), Ink-Painting Techniques