Evaluation of the Implementation of the National Sports Development Policy in Tanzania
Omari, Yusuph Singo
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Kenyatta University
The purpose of this study will be to evaluate the implementation of the national sports
development policy of Tanzania. A national sports development policy provides a
guideline on how a particular country should go about in developing sports activities. The
independent variables of the study will be development of sports in country that include:
provision of sports facilities, training of sports technical personnel, participation and
performance in international competitions, mobilization of financial resources for sports
development, involvement of stakeholders in sports policy implementation and obstacles to the implementation of the current national sports development policy. Dependent variable of the proposed study will be the implementation of the national sports development policy. The study will be carried out in Tanzania. The sample will include 327 randomly selected subjects from government officials in the Ministry of Information, Culture and Sports, Regional sports officials; national sports associations/federations that are affiliated to the Tanzania Olympic Committee and national level athletes from the selected sports. The respondents will be selected using stratified random sampling, simple sampling, purposive and census approach techniques. Data will be collected using questionnaires, documentary analysis and observation checklist. Before data collection, the instruments will be pre-tested to randomly selected 12 sports officials from the targeted groups who will not be involved in the main study. Data will be coded and organized for analysis using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 19. One-way Al'tOVA will be used to test the null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance while a Tukey Post Hoc test will be used to further explain significance of variables. It is envisaged that the proposed study will provide policy makers with the empirical evidence on the implementation of the national sports development policy of Tanzania hence assist them in evaluating the same document for the sake of sports development in the country.