Developing an automated weather Station

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Okil, Joseph Ogutu
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The Weakness of a manual weather station is discussed. The development of a versatile, automated weather station to minimise the errors associated with manuals weather stations is described. Evaluation data was sampled for weather parameters such as temperature, relative humidity, pressure, wind speed and direction and light intensity. The data is analysed using statistical correlation methods to verify its validity. Sensors for measuring weather conditions and the data logger interfaced with a BBC microcomputer for data communication and analyses are RAM via the IMHZ bus into the microcomputer is facilitated by a software package developed to analyse the sample data. The device can also be adopted for laboratory experiments and research work requiring data sampling over set periods of time. In the design, provision is made for variable sampling time intervals. The number of sensor analogue input channels committed can also be set between one and eight. For added versatility, control unit for a fan, heater and bulb is included for application in enclosed environments such as greenhouses.
The QC 875. K4 O37
Automatic meteorological stations--Kenya