Plant parasitic nematodes: a threat to vegetable production in Kenya

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Maina, J. M.
Waceke, J. W.
Kariuki, G. M.
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African Crop Science Society
A survey of plant parasitic nematodes (PPN) associated with cabbage was carried out in selected agro-ecological zones (AEZs) in Kenya to determine PPN density, distribution and farmer’s awareness of nematodes associated problem. Sixty cabbage farms were sampled and nematode assays on root and soil samples were carried out. Nematode population density differed significantly (P<0.05) across all the AEZs with Upper highland 1 (UH1a) recording the highest PPN population and UM1 recording the lowest. Nematodes from cabbage roots also differed significantly (P<0.05) across AEZs with Upper highland 1 (UH1b) recording the highest population density of 60 nematode 10g-1 of dry roots and UM1 having 1.2 nematodes 10g-1 of dry roots. Pratylenchus was the most abundant nematode in all AEZs. Only 3% of sampled farmers were aware of nematodes associated problems and none of them applied any nematode management practice. Key words: Agro-ecological zones, cabbage, farmer’s awareness
Conference Proceeding
Agro-ecological zones, Cabbage, Farmer’s awareness
African Crop Science Conference Proceedings, Vol.10. pg. 205-208, 2011