Assessment of Utilization of Open Education Resources by Postgraduate Students in Selected Public University Libraries in Kenya
Karitu, Liz Murugi
Kimani, Grace
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The demand for university education coupled with inadequate teaching/learning resources
such as print resources whose cost among others contribute to very expensive education, has
posed challenges to progression in university education in Kenya. As such, Open Education
Resources (OER) have been championed as suitable alternative to complement educational
resources in learning institutions with relevant, quality and up-to-date teaching/learning
materials at little or no cost. Despite the increase in volumes provided freely under the Creative
Common licenses, studies have shown that uptake of OER has remained low among students
in Kenyan universities. This study therefore, assessed OER use by postgraduate students in
three universities which are Nairobi University, Kenyatta University and Moi University. The
study was guided by four objectives; to determine the level of OER awareness among
postgraduate students, to determine the accessibility of OER by postgraduate students, to
determine availability of ICT infrastructure which support utilization of OER and the
promotion strategies employed by librarians to enhance awareness of OER among
postgraduate students. The study employed descriptive survey design approach. Random
sampling method was used to obtain requisite number of respondents. The target population
was the 34,445 postgraduate students and university librarians in the selected libraries in
public universities in Kenya. Data obtained was analysed using descriptive and inferential
statistics. The study concluded that OER awareness significantly contributed to OER utilization
by postgraduate students. The findings also concluded that OER accessibility enhanced OER
utilization. In addition, ICT infrastructure was critical in supporting OER resources while
promotional strategies that include lecturers influence, policies and guidelines, training,
workshop and OER sensitizations contributed to OER adoption. The study recommended that
academic libraries need to develop OER policies to guide on utilization of OER. Universities
should also ensure there is adequate ICT infrastructure to support OER resources and students
should be sensitized on OER, trained on how to use the OER facilities and onsite staff should
be available to support the students. Internet and power should also be stabilized in order to
ensure accessibility of OER without any interruption
Open Education Resources, OER awareness, OER accessibility, ICT infrastructure, OER promotion
Karitu, L. M., & Kimani, G. Assessment of Utilization of Open Education Resources by Postgraduate Students in Selected Public University Libraries in Kenya.