Analysis of Devolved Social Safety Funds on Household Welfare in Kenya
Shibairo, Peter Misango
Ngaruko, Deus D. P.
Wawire, Nelson H. Were
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Purpose: Social safety funds should effectively and
efficiently reach needy households, providing a
safety net that enhances their welfare and reduces
poverty levels in the community. The Kenya
National Safety Net Programme (NSNP) is a
government social protection programme
established in September 2013 as part of the
government’s initiative to improve and enhance
social protection and improve the welfare of the poor
household particularly at the grass root. This study
therefore aimed at analyzing the impact of devolved
social safety funds on household welfare in Kenya.
Methodology: The study employed a non-
experimental pooled cross-sectional research
design. Cross-sectional data was collected from
selected households using a structured
questionnaire. The study targeted a population of
1,128,693 households lifted from the Kenya
Integrated Household Budget Survey (2015/2016).
Fisher's formula was used in sample selection,
where a sample of 384 respondents was selected. A
multivariate regression model was used to analyze
data. Inferential and descriptive statistics were used
to analyze the quantitative and qualitative data
acquired in the research.
Findings: The findings revealed that devolved
Social Safety funds significantly and positively
influence household welfare in Kenya. Most
beneficiaries under study, particularly the elderly
recorded a greater improvement in their welfare.
Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and
Policy: Given the findings, it is recommended that
the government of Kenya should increase the flow
of these funds to target a larger proportion of the
rural households. This will positively change the
welfare of most vulnerable households, particularly
in the rural areas
Devolved Funding, Household Welfare, Social Safety, Policies
Shibairo , P., Ngaruko, D., & Wawire, N. (2023). Analysis of Devolved Social Safety Funds on Household Welfare in Kenya. Journal of Poverty, Investment and Development, 8(2), 48–62.