Selected Antioxidant Vitamins and Essential Elements Indifferent Parts of Calodendrum Capense Nuts Grown in Nyeri County, Kenya
Muturi, Irene Kirigo
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The skin is frontline in protection of internal organs against harm by the sun rays andhence it needs to be protected. Although sunlight is important for the synthesis ofvitamin D, it has several negative effects to the skin such as erythema (sun bum), premature aging, weakening of the immune system and skin cancer. Free radicals generated byUltra Violet radiations are responsible for pre-mature aging and skin cancer. Calodendrumcapensenuts contain natural oil with an inherent UV protection and may containantioxidant vitamins A and E and essential elements like copper (Cu), manganese (Mn),magnesium (Mg) and zinc (Zn) which are essential on skin application. Calodendrumcapensenuts grow intensively in Nyeri County. The aim of this study was to determineof antioxidant vitamins A and E and essential elements Cu, Mg, Mn,the coo.centCraatlloondendrumcapensenuts. Samples were obtained from Kabaru, Kiganjoand ZO.ION eri County. The vitamins in the nut cake oil and shell oil were analyzed byMUlgaerf y anceLiquid Chromatography while the nut meal (from extraction of oil froml.fgbPeormI ) t shell nut cake oil and shell oil were analyzed for the essential elementst cake, ou, OU. AIIlI'C Absorption Spectrophotometer. The mean levels of vitamin A in the nutuslOgoil torangedfrom 0.24±O.01-0.34±0.04 ug/ml and 5.92±O.08-7.30±0.13 ug/ml in thecal'1 The range of vitamin E in the nut cake oil was 390.0±10.0-12214.0±150.0 f.lgl~m. . vitamin E while that in the shell oil was 314.0±1O.0-12842.0±120.0 ug/ml vitamin E.There were significant differences in the levels of the vitamins in the nut cake oil andshell oil with the levels in the shell oil being significantly higher (p<0.05). The levelsof essential elements in the nut cake oil ranged between 3.26±0.31-5.70±0.17 f.lglIDl Cu,94.67±7.74-138.67±2.56 ug/ml Mg, 2.57±0.24-4.33±0.21 f.lgfmlMn and 10.83±0.29-14.17±0.43 f.lglmlZn while that in the shell oil ranged betweeJ3.70±0.15-4.00±0.14 f.lg/ml Cu, 32.67±2.28-39.33±3.0 ug/ml Mg, 3.63±O.33-9.27±0.60 ug/ml Mn and 8.5±O.26-9.47±O.96 ug/ml Zn, (p<0.05). The nut meal contained essential elements in levelsranging between 11.27±0.25-16.83±0.35 ug/g Cu, 1036.67±27.63-1556±30.39 ug/g Mg,3.80±0.35-6.57±0.88 ug/g Mn and 34.17±0.64-37±1.32 ug/g Zn while those in the nutshells ranged between 10.10±0.76-33.03±3.00 ug/g Cu, 664.2±5.05-782.67±17.55 ug/gMg, 24.90±1.43-33.l3±1.57 ug/g Mn and 12.33±O.25-17.93±0.62 ug/g Zn, (p<0.05).There was a significant difference in the levels of essential elements in the nut cake oiland shell oil with the levels of magnesium being significantly higher. The nut meal and nutshells recorded significant differences in the levels of essential elements (P<0.05). Whilethese levels of vitamins and essential elements studied are comparable to those in ediblenuts, a conclusion is made that Calodendrumcapensenuts are potential for production ofantioxidants that are important for fighting free radicals thereby improving skin health.