The all-inclusive holiday concept at the Kenyan coast

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Mutisya, Mary M.
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Purpose: This paper aims at profiling the application of the all inclusive holiday concept in Kenya, and identifying the positives and draw backs of the current mode of application. Design/methodology The study was a cross-sectional survey design and it targeted the hotels along the Kenyan coast offering the all inclusive holiday package. The study was carried out in between December 2008 and April 2009. The data was analysed descriptively. Findings: The outcome of the study shows that the application of all-inclusive concept had been varied from the original; these modifications have had both strengths and drawbacks to the hospitality and tourism industry. The current application of all inclusive in Kenya needs to be reviewed Practical Implications: understanding the strengths and draw backs of the modified mode of all inclusive is useful to the hospitality practitioners and the tourism industry at large. The study gives recommendations on how to improve service delivery to all-inclusive guests, this is more profitable to the economy and would yield greater customer satisfaction; does not stretch the limited resources, it would also result in sustainable tourism. Originality/value: The study will contribute to knowledge, especially in the of all inclusive holidays area where there very is little documentation.
International Research Symposium in Service Management
All Inclusive Holiday Concept, Customer Satisfaction, Mode of application, Service delivery, Hospitality industry, Kenya
International Research Symposium in Service Management,24-27 August 2010