Islamic Banking Products and Financial Performance of Banks in Nairobi County, Kenya

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Aress, Abdihakim Hassan
Abdul, Farida
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Objectives: Contaminated poultry feeds can be a major source of E. coli and Salmonella infections in poultry. This study aimed at determining microbial load, prevalence and antimicrobial resistance profles of Salmonella sp. and E. coli and associated resistance genes among isolates from poultry feeds. Results: A total of 150 samples of diferent poultry feed types were randomly collected from selected sites within Ruiru Sub-County. The microbial load was determined, Salmonella sp. and Escherichia coli were isolated and antimicrobial susceptibility test carried out. Antimicrobial resistance genes were also screened among the resistant isolates. Out of analyzed samples, 58% and 28% contained Escherichia coli and Salmonella sp. respectively. Bacterial load ranged between 3.1×105 and 3.0×106 cfu/g. Highest resistance was against ampicillin (41%) for Salmonella sp. and (62%) for E. coli isolates. Ampicillin resistant isolates carried TEM and SHV genes. In addition, strB and Dfr resistance genes associated with streptomycin and cotri-moxazole were detected. All the isolates were susceptible to chloramphenicol and ciprofoxacin. The study reveals high bacterial contamination, presence of beta-lactamase, aminoglycoside and sulphonamide resistance genes across isolates from poultry feeds. Therefore, contaminated poultry feeds with bacteria are likely to lead to increase in antimicrobial resistant strains across the community.
Poultry feed contamination, Salmonella, E. coli, Antimicrobial resistance, Resistance genes
Aress, A. H., Abdul, F. (2023). Islamic banking products and financial performance of banks in Nairobi County, Kenya. International Academic Journal of Economics and Finance, 3(9), 374-394.