Groundwater investigation and characterisation in Marigat area, Baringo county, using vertical electrical sounding resistivity surveys

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Cherop, Komen Hezekiah
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Resistivity surveys will be carried out to investigate groundwater potentials and to characterise water bearing layer in Marigat area, Baringo County. This study aims at obtaining useful information on the rock type and fault lines that are conduits to groundwater within the area based on the response of the earth to the flow of regulated input current source. The information obtained will constitutes a knowledge base which is fundamental to water resource assessment and decision making in the study area. In this study, Vertical electrical sounding (VES) method will be applied using Schlumberger electrode configuration. About 60 VES points will be probed along ten traverses within an area of 10 km2 using an ABEM SAS 300 C terameter and the field stations will be positioned using Global positioning system (GPS) device. The field data will be analysed using Winsev software and the information obtained interpreted in order to define the aquifer distribution and to delineate the lithological changes of different layers. The interpreted results of YES will furnish information of resistivities and thickness of different layers at the sounding point. This study will help in selecting a possible site that boreholes can be drilled for potable and sustainable water supply and reduce the risks of drilling dry boreholes.