Remittances and Economic Growth in Kenya (1970-2010)
Ocharo, Kennedy Nyabuto
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Statisticshow that remittances to Kenya have been increasing over the years. Studies on the effect of remittances on economic
growthin Kenya are limited and have not included private capital inflows as one of the determinants of economic growth. This
studyinvestigated the effect of remittances on economic growth in Kenya. Data was sourced for the World Bank's African
DevelopmentIndicators and various Economic Surveys and Statistical Abstracts for the period 1970-20 IO. The study used the
ordinaryleast squares estimation to determine the effects of remittances on economic growth. The study found that the
coefficientof remittances as a ratio of gross domestic product was positive and significant. The Government of Kenya should
putinplace policies that encourage remittances.
A paper presented at the International Conference on Dynamics of Rural Transformation in Emerging Economies
27-28 March, 2014