Book Review: Wanjiku Mukabi-Kabira, Masheti Masinjila and Wanjiku Mbugua (eds.) "Delusions: Essays on Social Construction of Gender" Nairobi, Femnet, 1994
Ochwada, H.
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Kenyatta University Faculty of Arts
Gender relations constitute the social, political and economic interaction of both men and women.
As a result, gender contract is interpreted as an unwritten and invisible social contract defining the
actions of men and women in the belief that this is what society expects of them. Viewed within this
framework, gender research is about relationships between men and women. But in single studies
the focus can be on only women or men, given that their-situation is analyzed within a structural
gender relationship. Where does the book under review fit within this framework?
Thrust of Text
The text's focus is on the relationship between men and women, but with a bias for women. Indeed,
this isunderstandable, considering that the social construction of gender preponderantly invisibilizes
and marginalizes women in the general social contract. This explains why in the historiography of
gender relations worldwide, the emphasis is on women, making the subject of gender synonymous
with women's studies. Consequently, women researchers tend to monopolize the production of
knowledge on gender. In some instances, they jealously guard their small 'academic empires' acquired
in the field. However, in this regard, the African Women's development and Communication (Fernnet)
Organization transcends this parochialism by incorporating male researchers in its projects. Delusions:
Essays on Social Construction of Gender is one such endeavour. It consists of seven chapters, all of
them discussing the social construction of gender
Book Review
CHEMCHEMI International Journal of Arts and Social Sciences VOLUME 1 DEC. 1999