Implications of Life Skills Education on Character Development in Children: A Case of Hill School

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Okech, Daniel Otieno
Role, Elizabeth M
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Baraton Interdisciplinary Research Journal
The world today is facing numerous challenges such as indiscipline in schools, civil strife and social deprivation. Life Skills Education (LSE) is an intervention. This program is meant to equip the youth with life skills. The purpose of this study was to investigate the development of LSE amongst primary school children in Kenya. The major research objective was to determine whether LSE contributes to character development. The research addressed these research questions: What is the status of LSE in Kenya; how is LSE implemented; to what extent has LSE contributed to development of psychosocial competencies; what are the challenges facing the implementation of LSE? The research design was descriptive survey. Data was collected using questionnaires, interviews and focused group discussions. Quantitative data was analysed using Pearson Product moment correlation coefficient, multiple regressions and Kendall’s Tau (t) coefficient. Qualitative data was coded and under themes. Results revealed a significant correlation between teaching of LSE and development of character. Teachers and pupils acknowledged the importance of LSE in the development of character. The study identified challenges facing the implementation of LSE. This study is relevant to teachers, parents, educators, policy makers and stakeholders in education
Life Skills Education, Character development, Primary schools
Okech, D. O. (2015). Implications of life skills education on character development in children: A case of hill school.